Ghanaian media darling Berla Mundi has shared an exclusive peek into her private wedding ceremony, held on January 5, 2023. The 35-year-old, known for gracing screens with her charm and contributing to noteworthy causes, embarked on her forever-after journey with longtime beau David Tabi. The wedding shrouded in privacy with a 'no phones allowed' policy, […]

Berla Mundi's Husband: TV star shares photos of her groom for the first time after wedding

By Kele+ Kwame

January 17, 2024 11:16 pm
Berla Mundi's Husband: TV star shares photos of her groom for the first time after wedding
Berla Mundi's Husband: TV star shares photos of her groom for the first time after wedding2

Ghanaian media darling Berla Mundi has shared an exclusive peek into her private wedding ceremony, held on January 5, 2023. The 35-year-old, known for gracing screens with her charm and contributing to noteworthy causes, embarked on her forever-after journey with longtime beau David Tabi.

The wedding shrouded in privacy with a 'no phones allowed' policy, has now captured the hearts of fans and celebrities alike who were curious as Berla unveiled the first-ever photos since the ceremony, showing her husband in public for the first time since the marriage.

The intimate ceremony, attended by close family and a select few friends, took place under the discreet veil of privacy. Guests adhered to the unique request, respecting the couple's direction for their union and ensuring an uninterrupted and personal celebration for Berla and David. The couple's commitment to preserving the sanctity of the moment created an atmosphere of genuine connection and undisturbed joy.

On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 12 days after the wedding ceremony, Berla Mundi graced her followers with photos of her and her husband capturing the essence of the special day. These images not only showcase the radiant bride but also mark the debut of her husband, David Tabi, in the public eye. The couple's joy, evident in the two frames shared, resonates with fans who have eagerly awaited a glimpse into their marital bliss.

She captioned the photos: "Took a break and took a step! Meet Bae!!!" with a shy and love in the eyes emojis.

These exclusive photos sparked a wave of congratulations from the celebrity community. James Gardiner, Cookie Tee, Nana Ama McBrown, Okyeame Kwame, and others have joined in celebrating Berla Mundi's union. The warm wishes underscore the genuine happiness and support the couple enjoys from their peers.

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