On Saturday, December 30, 2023, famous Ghanaian-Nigerian actor Too Sweet Annan got married. Aside from the beautiful wedding that saw a host of celebrities including Majeed Michel, Jocelyn Dumas, Kalyboss, James Gardener, Prince David Osei, Ruth among others make an appearance, one name swept across social media and that was Ms Flava - Too Sweet […]


Ms Flava: The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan who has everyone talking

By Kele+ Kwame

January 1, 2024 8:22 pm
Ms Flava: The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan who has everyone talking
Who is Ms Flava? The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan1

On Saturday, December 30, 2023, famous Ghanaian-Nigerian actor Too Sweet Annan got married. Aside from the beautiful wedding that saw a host of celebrities including Majeed Michel, Jocelyn Dumas, Kalyboss, James Gardener, Prince David Osei, Ruth among others make an appearance, one name swept across social media and that was Ms Flava - Too Sweet Annan’s wife.

The bride of the day who won hearts with both her outfit and wedding vows during the ceremony. She wore a yellow and brown Kente wedding dress made by the famous House of Paon.

Ms Flava: The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan who has everyone talking

Promising forever after with now husband Too Sweet Annan Miss Flava said:

It hasn’t been easy but its definitely been worth it. I’m glad that I didn’t listen to anybody about you. I’m glad that I had patience. I’m glad that I helped you become the man that you are today. I promise with all of my heart that Im going to continue to do what I’m doing because I can see it’s working

Continue to be the your backbone, support you, push you, be behind you in everything that we decide to do together. I love you.

Amidst all the beautiful moments shared, all that everyone kept asking was who Ms Flava was.

Who is Ms Flava?

Who is Ms Flava? The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan

Ms Flava is a media personality in Ghana working for one of the biggest televisions stations in Ghana, TV3 under the Media General Group.

She has lived most part of her life in Canada before moving to Ghana where she had her marriage ceremony with actor and producer Too Sweet Annan.

Ms Flava is part of the panel of a show ‘The Ladies Circle’ which airs on TV3 on Saturdays.

She has also appeared on the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards red carpet with colleague and Ghana’s favourite influencer, actress and TV host Nana Ama McBrown. She also shared hosting duties on the red carpet of the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards with her crew from ‘The Ladies Circle’ where they recorded an episode of the TV show.

From here Instagram page @msflava_, Too Sweet Annan’s wife is a fashion enthusiast who appears at a lot of events with style and an aura to behold. Ranging from local looks, elegant night time out outfits, casual looks to photoshoots for brands, MsFlava has the glam look for the gram.

She travels in between Ghana and Canada still with updates of a travel enthusiast.

Too Sweet Annan and Ms Flava - A love story

Ms Flava: The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan who has everyone talking

On her wedding and marriage to Too Sweet Annan, Ms Flava did not give a lot of hints only posting on the morning of the event a photo of her and her husband in black outfits that looked like a pre-wedding photoshoot.

She captioned with a simple simple ring emoji and the hashtags #sweetFlava23 and #savethedate.

On New Year’s Day 2024, Ms Flava posted a photo of her self and her husband slightly blurred in the foreground and the caption:

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY 🎇… THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone single person who took time to celebrate our day with us. Your company, your love and your support made the day perfect

Here are photos of Ms Flava, Too Sweet Annan’s gorgeous wife

Who is Ms Flava? The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan
Who is Ms Flava? The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan
Ms Flava: The beautiful wife of Too Sweet Annan who has everyone talking
Too Sweet Annan marries Miss Flava in beautiful wedding ceremony
Too Sweet Annan marries Miss Flava in beautiful wedding ceremony
Too Sweet Annan marries Miss Flava in beautiful wedding ceremony
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