Tag: traditional marriage list

August 29, 2023
The complete guide to Akan traditional marriage list

In the heart of West Africa lies Ghana, a nation celebrated for its vibrant cultural heritage and hospitality. Among its diverse ethnic groups, the Akan people hold a distinct place with their captivating traditional marriage ceremonies including the Akan traditional marriage list. With the different types of marriages in Ghana, Kele+ explores details of this […]

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August 29, 2023
Ewe Traditional Marriage List: Here’s everything you need to know

Ghana is renowned for its diverse cultural heritage, and one of the most captivating aspects is its traditional marriage ceremonies. Among the various ethnic groups in the country, the Ewe people have their unique and fascinating approach to weddings.  Just as most marriages in Ghana, the Ewe traditional marriages are not just union ceremonies; they […]

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June 10, 2023
Ghanaian Traditional Marriage List: All you need to know about the engagement list for Akan and Ewe

Ghana, the land of vibrant cultures and diverse ethnic groups, has a tapestry of wedding traditions that paint a beautiful picture of unity in diversity. The customs include getting an engagement list for traditional marriage in Ghana. The West African country has over 50 ethnic groups. The six major ethnic groups in Ghana include the Akan […]

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