Ghanaian-Nigerian actor, Too Sweet Annan got married on Saturday, December 30, 2023, to Miss Flava, wrapping up his year in a bundle of love. The celebrity took to his Instagram page to announce the union with him and his wife wearing all-black outfits in the photo. The caption from Too Sweet Annan was simple: a […]


Too Sweet Annan marries Miss Flava in beautiful wedding ceremony

By Kele+ Kwame

December 30, 2023 8:13 pm
Too Sweet Annan marries Miss Flava in beautiful wedding ceremony
Too Sweet Annan marries Miss Flava in beautiful wedding ceremony2

Ghanaian-Nigerian actor, Too Sweet Annan got married on Saturday, December 30, 2023, to Miss Flava, wrapping up his year in a bundle of love.

The celebrity took to his Instagram page to announce the union with him and his wife wearing all-black outfits in the photo. The caption from Too Sweet Annan was simple: a wedding ring emoji and the hashtag #SweetFlava23.


The couple wore shades of yellow for their traditional wedding ceremony with EMRIGHT Clothing making the groom’s outfit and House Of Paon handling the bride’s dress.

Just as expected, the wedding ceremony was a star-studded event with celebrities from the Ghana entertainment space making appearances to support the newlyweds.

Ghanaian actors Majeed Michel, James Gardener, Kalyboss, Jocelyn Dumas, and Prince David Osei among others all showed up to witness the holy matrimony.

After making a superb video alongside his new wife with Sarkodie and Kurt Songx Jennifer Lomotey, Too Sweet Annan gave one of the best wedding performances singing Malaika by Nyashinski to his wife Miss Flava.

The wedding dance floor was filled with entertainment galore with Menscook GH taking over with some wedding guests to party into the night.

Here are lovely photos of Too Sweet Annan and Miss Flava’s wedding ceremony.


Too Sweet Annan: Here is what to know about the Ghanaian-Nigerian actor

Is Too Sweet Annan Ghanaian?

Too Sweet Annan is a Ghanaian Nigerian with a background in both West African countries. He is known in both the Ghanaian and Nigerian movie industry.

How old is Too Sweet Annan?

Too Sweet Annan is 38 years old. He was born on August 25, 1985.

Is actor Too Sweet Annan married?

Yes, Ghanaian-Nigerian actor Too Sweet Annan is married to Miss Flava. The two had their beautiful wedding ceremony on Saturday, December 30, 2023.

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